
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

We made it!

Hello All,
Well, we couldn't have had a more perfect trip. Dad took us to O'Hare this morning; we left Lowell at 4am! Thanks Dad, we owe you big time!

Thanks to Liz we were able to take advantage of American Airlines' Employee lounge. In the words of Travis & Quinn: this place is awesome!! We had our own private waiting area complete with CLEAN bathrooms, food and drink. The kids put puzzles together to pass the time and Rolf and I just relaxed.

We were a little nervous about making the flight. It was packed and we didn't know if all 4 of us would be getting on. For those of you who don't know, we flew using our friend Liz's employee passes. Which means we got tickets for a ridiculously low price, but the trade off is that we have to fly stand-by. We had our fingers crossed and it paid off, we were close to the last 4 people on the plane! Rolf was in first class, that lucky dog, but also the person with the longest legs so we voted that he should get the first class seat. The kids and I were back in coach. Wasn't bad though, we were surrounded by some really nice people that we chatted with throughout the 7 hour flight.

We arrived in London, 10:45 pm local time, breezed through customs in less than 30 minutes, picked up our luggage and headed out the door, straight to a waiting taxi. Now, the taxi ride was quite a thrill. Our driver almost rear-ended the car in front of us before we were even out of the airport. That was just a taste of what was to come! Quinn and Travis were thrilled to sit backwards in the jumpseats but Quinn soon found out that it wasn't all it was cracked up to be: car sickness hit with all the twists and turns the driver was making.

Tonight we are staying with our friend Kathy Rathke, she is also an old neighbor of ours from Saline. She has been living in London for a few years now and her flat is just wonderful. We were so glad to arrive and see her! She has welcomed us warmly, even though we are taking over! Rolf just pointed out to the kids that her building is older than our country. That kinda boggled their minds!

Tomorrow we check into our hotel, take a double-decker bus tour, and who knows what else! It will be an adventure, of that I am sure.

No pictures yet, not really anything to take a picture of. Well, I guess that's it for now. We're trying to go to sleep, it is 2 in the morning here, but only 9pm in Michigan so we will suffer tomorrow!

I'll check in again when I can and hopefully get some pics posted. Love you all!!


Donna said...

Good to hear that everything went so well. Hope the rest of the trip is as smooth. Mom and Dad

p.s. respond so that I know that I sent this comment through correctly

Mom in transition said...

Glad to hear you had a good trip over. Sounds like your stand-by experience was as good as they come. Happy Birthday JO! Looking forward to hearing all about your adventures overseas.

Donna said...

Happy Birthday Paula. Hope you have a great day.

Paula said...

Hi Mom & Jackie,
Yes mom, your posts made it thru. Thanks for the b-day wishes. We had a great day today. Took the double decker bus tour. Lots of pics, just havent' downloaded them yet. We're back at Kathy's finishing a load of laundry and then we're going to our hotel to check in then something to eat. I'll get back on later and post again. Love all you guys!